Paul DeBlassie III, Ph.D.

DreamWork Devoted To Insight, Transformation, and Growth


I specialize in dreamwork with individuals seeking insight into self, relationships, and life’s crossroads. Dreams and emotions serve as royal roads to the unconscious mind. Our growth-oriented consultations uncover the hidden meanings within your dreams, troubling feelings, and relational upheavals. We access practical insights that illuminate your path in life. Dreams are soul messengers carrying profound wisdom that, once understood, become powerful tools for facing inner truths and generating practical change.

During our ten to twelve weekly dreamwork sessions, insights can reveal emotional blind spots, offer clarity, and restore your footing in life. I strive to help people discover light in the dark corners of the mind, facilitating a heightened sense of mental clarity, emotional relief, and openness to ongoing change and transformation.

Please note that my practice is limited to growth-oriented consultation. Mental health crisis intervention is best obtained through a referral from your primary care physician or the National Hotline-988. If you seek dreamwork for personal insight, transformation, and growth, consider calling to inquire about openings for virtual dream consultation.

Professional Affiliations: Depth Psychology Alliance, the International Association of Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, the International Association for Jungian Studies, and the International Association for the Study of Dreams.

All consultations are conducted via teletherapy.

Session Fee: $250

What Happens When You Dream . . .

It’s a terrible feeling not to dream; at least it is for me. Last night, I didn’t dream, or, better to say, I don’t remember dreaming. We dream about eight times a night, whether we remember dreaming or not. I got the COVID-19 vaccine for Fall 2025 the day before yesterday and the flu vaccine, one in each arm. And (I’ve never had this experience) I was jittery all night long. No sweats, headaches, aches, or pains. All was swell, I thought, by the time I hit the sack. Not so, my friend, not so.

Anyway, I slept better last night, but no dreams came through the mysterious pipeline that runs from the deep unconscious mind to the conscious world of remembrance. I feel a little off, like I didn’t see a friend I’d been looking forward to seeing all day. We missed each other. This is because my dreams put everyday life, personal attitudes, and ways I should go or not go into bold relief, shining a light where I’m (sometimes totally) in the darkness.

I look forward to the psychic lowdown! It’s vital since I’m a depth psychotherapist who treats the unconscious mind. My dreams often guide patient care, which proves helpful and, at times, vital in my practice. Also, I know their lingo of symbols, images, and straight talk that gets to the heart of the emotional matter. They’re a help in living what is often, for all of us, a rather confusing and convoluted but wondrous life.

It’s good to know that when you understand your dream message, you’ll always find it helpful and practical. It never puts you or anyone down. It sometimes communicates negative takes on people or situations, but it’s not to pass judgment. It’s simply to say the person or situation is not for you or that an adjustment needs to be made. Maybe you need an attitude change-up, or perhaps you need to move on. Either way, it’s helpful and practical.

Mainly, dreams pass on psychic clarity about you and your life. If you wonder what you should do about something, whisper to your unconscious before going to sleep that you’d like a dream. Chances are pretty good, especially as you get used to doing this that the dream will give you a thumbs up or down. Dreams could show a person you think is troublesome is good to have in your life. What you think you know about them is not spot-on. There’s more to them. To go on, dreams could tell you that a problematic happening has potential and that you need to stick with it. If the night’s dreaming isn’t clear, ask for clarity the next night. Your unconscious mind will get used to your taking it seriously and want to establish a relationship with your depths.

Dreaming is a marvelous resource, what Freud called the royal road to the unconscious mind. It’s been that for me for over fifty years. My patients learn to sensitize themselves to their dream world and find that, over time, a wealth of healing and growth is available. In my writing of metaphysical novels, dreams frequently guide my process. Characters pop up and speak to me, insights flash onto the dreaming stage and provide inspiration for a dramatic turn of literary events, and energy courses through visually that translate to particular scenes, conflicts, and destiny playing itself out.

So, give yourself time to consider tapping into the surprising and wonderful world of dreaming. I’ll help! Simply open your mind to the reality that dreams are not accidental happenings. They are part of life, and they are meaningful. As we proceed together, post by post, learning and experiencing more about the mysteries of the unconscious mind and the multidimensional realm of dreaming, you’ll discover insights that will make a positive and proactive difference in your life. William James, the father of American depth psychology, wrote about the Great Unseen, the invisible energies that influence our daily lives.

They, what mystics, seers, and shamans have for ages deemed spirits, abide in the deep unconscious and make their workings known in dreams. Together, let’s enjoy ourselves and move into one of life’s most nourishing kaleidoscopic facets, the mysterious world of sleep and dreaming. Give yourself time to adjust.

I’ll provide these posts as my psyche inspires me and my dreams open up with a bit to share with you. Last night, as I confided, I didn’t dream. I prefer to dream. I hunger to dream. There’s soul nourishment in your dreams. If you want, begin tonight and ask for help in a certain area. See what comes. Remember, when you dream, there is psychic information coming your way. You’ve got the spot-on message of the dream for you in your life when it touches you emotionally. It clicks! It’s helpful and practical.

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