Paul DeBlassie III, Ph.D.

DreamWork Devoted To Insight, Transformation, and Growth


I specialize in dreamwork with individuals seeking insight into self, relationships, and life’s crossroads. Dreams and emotions serve as royal roads to the unconscious mind. Our growth-oriented consultations uncover the hidden meanings within your dreams, troubling feelings, and relational upheavals. We access practical insights that illuminate your path in life. Dreams are soul messengers carrying profound wisdom that, once understood, become powerful tools for facing inner truths and generating practical change.

During our ten to twelve weekly dreamwork sessions, insights can reveal emotional blind spots, offer clarity, and restore your footing in life. I strive to help people discover light in the dark corners of the mind, facilitating a heightened sense of mental clarity, emotional relief, and openness to ongoing change and transformation.

Please note that my practice is limited to growth-oriented consultation. Mental health crisis intervention is best obtained through a referral from your primary care physician or the National Hotline-988. If you seek dreamwork for personal insight, transformation, and growth, consider calling to inquire about openings for virtual dream consultation.

Professional Affiliations: Depth Psychology Alliance, the International Association of Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, the International Association for Jungian Studies, and the International Association for the Study of Dreams.

All consultations are conducted via teletherapy.

Session Fee: $250

Where There's Symptoms, There's Meaning

Don’t Ignore Your Symptoms

in depth psychology, the realm of emotion and spirit, we listen to our personal and societal symptoms. When there's trouble, there's meaning - something to learn. In the words of James Hillman, founder of archetypal metapsychology we read, " . . . not to ignore our symptoms and pathologies, nor to take them literally and act from them. He asked us to listen to them, as mysterious messengers, who might have something important to tell us. Until we can do so, as individuals and as a nation, things will continue to fall apart, and we will continue to destroy whatever elements of an imagined past greatness still remain.”

What the old psychologist spoke of here was the importance of listening and learning to what ails us. Symptoms are the messengers of the soul. A patient told me that for years they suffered chronic lower backache near their rump. Dream images repeatedly suggested they were hard on themselves. One, in particular, showed them carrying a load of rocks on their back up a mountain. They expected themselves to do this arduous and meaningless act. In a session, they stated, “I see how I’ve been expecting too much of myself. I’ve been my own pain in the a**!” Meaning struck home, resonated within, and helped them to ease up in life.

Soul Messengers

Sometimes meaning comes when an unexpected person comes our way. They speak to the problem weighing us down. Their words stay with us. People can be soul messengers. So, it’s best to approach each relationship with an open heart and a willingness to learn. You may be entertaining an angel unawares.

For me, people messages are as moving as dream insights and intuitive flashes. People can hurt us and people can help us heal. We know the ones to listen to and how to absorb what they have to share. There’s a sense of trust in a trustworthy person. These types of people are soul messenger.

Life Gives Symptoms and Meaning

There’s healing, true healing once we discover meaning in the symptoms we suffer. Without understanding the emotional and spiritual message behind the pain, we’re only receiving a topical aid. It won’t go far. Symptoms will return in another form. Healing comes and stays when meaning is unearthed.

Be open to the meaning behind the symptom you’re suffering. Don’t be afraid to turn within and consider that you may be responsible for generating your own troubles. Sure, others may be involved. A situation may be horrid. But, you’re the one opting to participate. Figure out what’s going on behind the symptom and meaning will take root in your heart and stir you to change.

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