From Your Abundance Something Overflows...
The old wise man wrote, "If you fulfill the pattern that is peculiar to yourself, you have loved yourself, you have accumulated and have abundance; you bestow virtue then because you have luster. You radiate; from your abundance something overflows." Nietezche's Zarathustra: Notes of the Seminar Given in 1934 - 1939, Vol. II (29 Janurary 1936), p. 801.
Abundance comes from truth to self. If we water ourselves down, who we are and what we think, then we lose hold of our life and our very sense of self. It may happen sooner or later, but we will feel depleted, down, and lost once we've veered from truth to self. Abundance, having sufficient energy for living well and fully, trickles and then gushes with cultivated truth to self.
"I felt so much energy after session yesterday. The dream that I had set me free. It got me back on my path." This patient's remark echoes an experience many of us may have had. Dreams, deep feeling states, bring insight and draw us back to the way that is ours to walk. We feel better, energized. In the words of the sage, we "fulfill the pattern that is peculiar" to ourselves and therein discover energy, overflowing abundance.