Dreams and Special Feelings of Happiness...
In a letter of Jolande Jacobi (October 27, 1936) C.G. Jung commented, "...a dream has always to be understood under two aspects. On the one hand the historical root, on the other the freshness of the tree. The tree is what grows in time....a look behind the scenes into the age-old processes of the human mind, which might explain your special feeling of happiness."
I recently became a grandfather. Memories of dreams for the past two years told of my transition into this stage of life. A new birth signaled change, possibilities, and potential for the future. Dream after dream portended this inevitability.
As I held my granddaughter I was overwhelmed with intense love and joy, dreams of months past rushing to mind. There was a sense of time stopping. Space seemed to open up with her in my arms. Love and the world of dreams and dreaming quickened into a special feeling of happiness.