Paul DeBlassie III, Ph.D.

Depth Psychotherapy Devoted To Insight, Growth, and Dream Work


I specialize in depth psychotherapy, treating the unconscious mind via emotional processing and dreamwork. Dreams and emotions are royal roads to the unconscious mind. Our growth-oriented consultations unravel the hidden meanings within your dreams and feelings. We tap into practical insight that can help illuminate your path in life. Dreams, in particular, are soul messengers. They carry profound wisdom that, once understood, becomes a powerful tool for facing inner truths and generating practical change.

During an initial session, we explore whether personal consultation and dream work may help reveal blind spots, provide clarity, and restore your footing in life. With over forty years of intensive psychotherapy practice, I work toward helping each patient experience a focused collaboration that furthers mental clarity and emotional relief.

If you are in a psychological crisis, my practice is currently at capacity. In such cases, consult your primary care physician or call the National Hotline - 988. While my practice is unavailable for crisis care, I may have periodic openings for growth-oriented consultations and dream work. Please feel free to call and inquire.

Professional Affiliations: Depth Psychology Alliance, the International Association of Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, the International Association for Jungian Studies, and the International Association for the Study of Dreams.

All consultations are conducted via teletherapy.

Session Fee: $250

Holiday Frenzies, Winter Mysteries, and the Feminine Soul!

The mystery of the feminine unifies life. Holiday stress takes away from sense of self and well being. Feminine mystery is a sacred order imbued into existence, a far cry from the outer, masculine, rush rush of holiday season buying and meeting up and dysfunctional family gatherings. Sacredness, respected and honored in daily life, turns us within, to soul. Contrary to holiday frenzies, winter, a time of retreat, takes us into soul mysteries. It's a call into an interior cave, illuminating as fire, as whispers in the night.

The cave, the realm of winter mysteries, is a spiritual reality. Winter bids us turn within, to a deepening spirituality. This speaks to solitude, quiet, sustained interiority. "When an inner situation is not made conscious, it appears outside of you as fate," C.G. Jung noted. The draw of winter is the draw toward inwardness, feminine archetypal energy. Without going into the cave during this season, to the place where inner situations are made conscious, we are vulnerable to the fate of destructive irritability and black moods.

The soul is feminine; so to be out of touch with soul leaves us out of sorts. By the end of the year, stresses have mounted. We need time to turn within, access primal feminine energies, to let go and replenish. The outer world beckons, even demands, more and more energy output. The deal with the devil is give more and you'll get more. Downside to that is what the more is that we get is not what we bargained for.

Too much masculine energy going out unbalances us. This is especially true during the holidays when much is expected. It's hard not to tie into social and familial demands that leave us running here and there, often frantically. We complain of feeling off. Nestling within, into the cave of deep soul, can offset the holiday frenzy that fates us with irritation and bad moods. We needn't live out or be possessed by fateful moods. Moods hurt self and others. They're to be learned from and then shed like an old skin. Mysteries of feminine energy await us as we enter the winter cave of hibernation, time for solitude, quiet and renewal of self!

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