Paul DeBlassie III, Ph.D.

Depth Psychotherapy Devoted To Insight, Growth, and Dream Work


I specialize in depth psychotherapy, treating the unconscious mind via emotional processing and dreamwork. Dreams and emotions are royal roads to the unconscious mind. Our growth-oriented consultations unravel the hidden meanings within your dreams and feelings. We tap into practical insight that can help illuminate your path in life. Dreams, in particular, are soul messengers. They carry profound wisdom that, once understood, becomes a powerful tool for facing inner truths and generating practical change.

During an initial session, we explore whether personal consultation and dream work may help reveal blind spots, provide clarity, and restore your footing in life. With over forty years of intensive psychotherapy practice, I work toward helping each patient experience a focused collaboration that furthers mental clarity and emotional relief.

If you are in a psychological crisis, my practice is currently at capacity. In such cases, consult your primary care physician or call the National Hotline - 988. While my practice is unavailable for crisis care, I may have periodic openings for growth-oriented consultations and dream work. Please feel free to call and inquire.

Professional Affiliations: Depth Psychology Alliance, the International Association of Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, the International Association for Jungian Studies, and the International Association for the Study of Dreams.

All consultations are conducted via teletherapy.

Session Fee: $250

Soul Haunting and The Dream!


Thursday, October 31, 2013

Dreams, especially nightmares, can be loaded with haunting! did read the right words, just as I wrote them. Nightmares have lots and lots of juicy psychic stuff for insight, enlightenment, and soulful growth in the form of haunting. Thing is, we're so often afraid to listen to it, to the haunting. To listen to inner disturbance as it comes out in nightmares means facing the ghosts that always bear tidings of one sort or another.

Halloween and All Souls Day proclaim the existence of an unseen world. The veil between the world of waking and sleep, the realm of the deep unconscious mind, the spiritual world, thins. Spirits are real. People have reported dreams and waking visions of seeing spirits. I have a colleague, a psychotherapist, who is also a trained shaman. Unseen souls can inhabit homes, place, generate havoc! She's the one to call to exorcise the spirits so the home will sell. It's worked countless times for countless folks.

In the world of soul, the unseen world and the spirits that populate it bring messages into the world of consciousness. They haunt us till the message gets  through. They help us to grow, if we're willing. The spirit that appears by our bedside at night, the nightmares that haunt sleep, the dark events that come out of nowhere can shock us into consciousness...inspired change!

I had a rip-roaring nightmare last night of a literary demon. He was trying to force me into the mainstream literary establishment. I'd be abandoning my writing in dark fiction. It was frightening to say the least. A complete abandonment of self, of soul, was what the demon demanded. I awakened knowing that I had to remain true to my writing, true to myself.

Listening to the message of the nightmare, the spirits of the unseen world, means partaking of organic soul food and not Halloween trick-or-treat candy. Symbolically, candy can refer to a sweetening up of what's bad so that we don't taste it, feel it. Halloween tricks or treats...pass them up in favor of contemplating the haunting, the candle in the center of the carved out pumpkin head, its flickering, its eerie and unrelenting soul meaning.

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